Committee Information

Committee Information
Job Description and Expectations for Committee Membership


Standing Committees

Archive and History Committee:

The Archive and History Committee will work to foster preservation of the history of the Society, and its role in the growth of Musculoskeletal Imaging. The committee will work with the Society’s management group to ensure that proper historical files, records, and milestones are documented, maintained, properly stored, and available to Society membership. 


Audit Committee:

The Audit Committee will review the annual audit of the Society’s financial records, performed by a certified public accountant hired for that purpose. The Audit Committee is responsible for reporting its findings to the Society, and certifying the results to the Treasurer. The results of the audit shall be reported to the Society Membership each year at the Annual Business Meeting.


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee: 

The DEI Committee is responsible for fostering a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion within the SSR and throughout the practice of musculoskeletal radiology. The committee will act as a resource to other committees to advise and educate on topics related to DEI including ways to increase recruitment and participation of under-represented populations in musculoskeletal radiology training and practice. The DEI Committee will support mentorship for SSR members from under-represented demographics who wish to pursue more active or leadership roles in the SSR or in their careers.


Electronic Learning Committee:

The ELC will be tasked with curating enduring educational material for the Society. The ELC also will provide oversight of the web-based learning tools on an ongoing basis.


Executive Committee:

The officers of the Society shall be the President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Treasurer-Elect and immediate Past President. The Executive Committee shall perform the duties customarily expected of Board of Directors of non-profit corporations; shall be empowered to carry out the business of the Society between meetings of the Membership; shall control and manage the affairs, funds, expenditures, and investments of the Society; and see to the safekeeping of its valuable assets. 

  • President shall be presiding officer of the Society, Chair of the Executive Committee and member ex-officio of all committees. The President shall perform all of the duties which custom and parliamentary practice are commonly associated with the office of President.
  • President-Elect shall be a member of the Executive Committee, and the Chair of the Program Committee.
  • Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining a correct and permanent record of the proceedings of the Society. The Secretary shall be a Member of the Executive Committee and Program Committee and an ex-officio member of the Membership Committee. The Secretary shall be responsible for all activities related to securing a site for the Annual Meeting.
  • Treasurer, along with assistance of the Treasurer-Elect, shall oversee collection and be accountable for all funds of the Society; shall, with the President, President-Elect, and Treasurer-Elect be empowered to disburse from the treasury such funds only upon order of the Executive Committee; and shall keep a complete and permanent record of the financial report at the annual meeting of the Society, which shall be incorporated in the minutes of the meeting.
  • Past President shall be a member of the Executive Committee, and assist and consult on all activities of the Committee.


Finance Committee:

The Finance Committee is responsible for advising the Executive Committee on matters concerning the financial well-being of the Society including, but not limited to, investment of Society funds and the feasibility of grants for education and research activities of the Society.


Membership Committee:

The Membership Committee is responsible for reviewing all individual applications for membership, to ensure that they fulfill the requirements for membership in their appropriate category. This committee shall provisionally approve candidates for membership, and will ensure membership dues are current.  The Committee is also responsible for initiating changes in membership categories, and for making suitable recommendations concerning the status of the Members.


Nominating Committee:

The Nominating Committee is responsible for nominating members and Chairs of standing and ad hoc committees, including any unanticipated vacancies. Nominations are subject to approval by the Executive Committee.


Program Committee:

The Program Committee consists of the President-Elect (Chair), Secretary, and at least two other full members in good standing appointed by the Nominating Committee. The Program Committee is responsible for determining the character and scope of the scientific proceedings of the Society at each annual meeting. It shall have the right to accept or reject scientific abstracts for presentation at the meeting and shall exercise proper control over the format, discussion, and arrangements for presentation.


Research Committee:

The Research Committee is responsible for implementing means by which the Society can encourage research in musculoskeletal radiology and related sciences. This includes selection of SSR Young Investigator Travel Award, Early Career Grant, Hot Topic Grant, and Seed Grant recipients, review of membership surveys, and collaboration with the Standards and Guidelines Committee for topic and author selection of the SSR Consensus Paper.


Residency and Fellowship Education Committee:

The Residency and Fellowship Education Committee is responsible for developing and promoting guidelines for residency and fellowship training in musculoskeletal radiology. The Residency and Fellowship Education Committee will be responsible for maintaining current lists of musculoskeletal radiology fellowship programs and contacts, monitoring numbers of fellowship candidates and positions, reporting relevant trends to the society, and addressing logistical issues in the application process.  The Committee will also be responsible for administering the SSR Scholars Program, organizing periodic resident education club webinars including the Resident Education Club, organizing the resident sessions and activities at the annual meeting, and developing additional activities that encourage and promote resident interest in musculoskeletal radiology as appropriate.


Rules Committee:

This committee serves to update and make corrections in the Bylaws yearly, to address any Bylaws questions that may arise throughout the year (including at the annual meeting), and to present any recommended Bylaws changes at the annual business meeting for consideration by the SSR membership.


Socioeconomic Affairs Committee:

The Socioeconomic Committee is responsible for informing and educating the Society on socioeconomic issues impacting the practice of musculoskeletal radiology. The committee will also be a conduit to communicate issues related to the practice of Musculoskeletal Radiology to the American College of Radiology (ACR).


Standards and Guidelines Committee:

The Standards and Guidelines Committee is responsible for assisting in the development of appropriateness guidelines for the use of musculoskeletal imaging studies and procedures.  The Standards and Guidelines Committee will serve as a liaison between the American College of Radiology (ACR) and the Society in the development, refinement, and improvement of the ACR Practice Parameters and Technical Standards that apply to musculoskeletal radiology. The Standard and Guidelines Committee is also responsible for SSR Consensus Papers, including topic selection, content development and management, volunteer recruitment and coordination, and submission for publication.


Ad Hoc Committees

Artificial Intelligence Committee:

The Artificial Intelligence Committee will work with the Society’s management group and Executive Committee to host annual or biannual special sessions at the Annual Meeting to provide updates to interested members on advancements in artificial intelligence as they pertain to musculoskeletal radiology. These sessions shall primarily consist of talks from committee members or other SSR members that have demonstrated expertise or leadership in development, integration, and/or governance of artificial intelligence in clinical practice. Other aspects of the special session may include panel discussions and/or hands-on workshops. In addition, the committee may elect to host special webinars during the year as needed on Artificial Intelligence for MSK.


Case of the Day Committee:

Established in 2024, this Committee is responsible for selection and editing of Case of the Day presentations at the Annual Meeting. The Committee will select a “Best Case of the Day” for publication in Seminars in Musculoskeletal Radiology.


Health & Wellness Committee:

The Health & Wellness Committee is responsible for providing resources by which the Society can educate and encourage Health & Wellness related activities.


Pipeline & Outreach Committee:

The Committee serves to provide opportunities for outreach to future trainees, specifically targeting those who have been historically underrepresented within the field of musculoskeletal radiology. The goal of this committee is to promote interest in the field of musculoskeletal radiology among radiology residents and medical school, collegiate and high school students through partnerships with other established outreach programs. Committee members should have experience in mentorship, radiology education and outreach, and/or involvement in diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives. Members should be actively involved in all committee meetings, and be available as mentors, educators and participants at workshops and conferences for student outreach.


Private Practice Committee:

The Private Practice Committee will be tasked with engaging private practice musculoskeletal radiologists and encouraging them to join and participate in the activities of the SSR, and promoting the creation and dissemination of SSR educational topics and resources beneficial to private practice SSR members in their imaging practice.


Social Media Committee:

The Social Media Committee serves the Society of Skeletal Radiology by disseminating and promoting information pertaining to the activities of the Society, both to members as well as to the musculoskeletal community at large using social media platforms, primarily X/Twitter and to a lesser degree LinkedIn and Instagram. The Committee also uses these platforms to encourage further activity in the Society through regular postings and reminders of upcoming events and opportunities. One of the primary goals of these efforts is to establish a visible and consistent presence in the musculoskeletal radiology community.  


Sponsor and Vendor Relations Committee:

The Sponsor and Vendor Relations Ad Hoc Committee is responsible for engaging industry contacts relevant to musculoskeletal imaging and intervention and working to secure ongoing financial support for the annual meeting. The committee will work with meeting organizers to determine appropriate levels of support and sponsored industry outreach activities occurring during and outside of the annual meeting events.