The deadline for submitting MSK Match Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) for Match-eligible programs and Interview Timeline Agreements (ITAs) for Match-ineligible programs is August 16, 2024. If there are any changes to the information that you submitted on the MOU or ITA (e.g. change in Match eligibility, number of fellowship positions, program coordinator or program director), please resubmit the MOU or ITA, or contact the SSR directly to update your program’s information.
- MOU (Match-eligible programs only):
- ITA (Match-ineligible programs only):
MSK Radiology Fellowship Match FAQs
The SSR has delisted from its website all Match-eligible programs that opted out of the 2025 Match or did not submit an MOU, and all Match-ineligible programs that did not submit an ITA.
- Canadian programs are represented in the SSR but exempt from the NRMP MSK Match, and have their own application, interview and selection process and timeline.
The SSR will not extend member-in-training (MIT) benefits to fellowship classes that are selected during the year(s) that Match-eligible programs opt out of the Match or that Match-ineligible programs opt out of the ITA.
- If you do not submit an MOU or ITA by the August 16, 2024 deadline and would like to change your program’s participation status, please contact the SSR directly to notify them of your intent.
- Canadian MSK fellowship programs are exempt from this exclusion.
The MSK Match is not supported by the ERAS application service because of the large number of non-ACGME-accredited programs, so each MSK fellowship program will distribute, collect and review applications as they did under the previous non-Match system. In other words, the NRMP Match registration and ranking process is independent of the application and interview process.
- The SSR has developed a Common Application Form that programs can elect to use to simplify the process for applicants; this is available for download to programs and applicants on the SSR website (DOWNLOAD FORM).
Updates from the SSR about the MSK Match will be provided during the application, interview and Match registration and ranking process through the SSR website, and SSR Facebook page and SSR Twitter feed (@SSRbone). Please make sure that your program director and program coordinator contact information is updated with the SSR throughout the fellowship application, interview and selection process.
All available MSK fellowship positions at programs participating in the MSK Match must be listed in the Match (“All In Policy”). This includes positions to be filled with internal, external and international candidates.
In preparation for the MSK fellowship application season, please update your program’s fellowship website to reflect any changes as a result of the MSK Match. This includes but is not limited to the following:
- Match eligibility and participation (for Match-eligible programs), or ITA participation (for Match-ineligible programs)
- Whether you will use the SSR Common Application Form or your own application form
- The date you will begin accepting applications. SSR strongly recommends that programs not accept fellowship applications before November 1, 2024
- The date you will begin interviewing. According to the MSK Match MOU and Interview Timeline Agreement, interviews cannot begin before January 13, 2025.
- The final day of interviews will be March 31, 2025.
- In keeping with the SCARD announcement that all interviews should be virtual, the SSR recommends that all programs conduct virtual interviews for the 2025-2026 season. No onsite visits should be made by candidates.
In preparation for the MSK fellowship application season, please review your program’s listing on the SSR website to ensure that it reflects the current status and leadership of your program. Please contact Patrick Kelly ([email protected]) with any change requests to the SSR website.
If you are participating in the 2025 MSK Match, please contact your GME Designated Institutional Officer (DIO) as soon as possible to notify them of your intent.
- Each institutional DIO must attest to oversight of all programs at their institution that participate in the Match, and there may be institution-specific requirements that must be met before the DIO will agree to manage the Match for any particular training program. Therefore, it is important that you are aware of and address any requirements before beginning the MSK fellowship application and interview process.